
ConsultingTimes.com: Caldera Withdrawal From Compaq Deal: Good News for Linux?

[ Thanks to Tom for this link.

“Caldera may be heading down a path of self-destruction,” after
putting the kibosh on a deal with Compaq that halted production of
the next release of Compaq’s UnixWare-based non-stop clusters.
“Perhaps if Caldera continues on the path of moving away from GPL,
this would turn out better for the Linux community. With all the
consolidation occurring in the Linux business space, perhaps a few
strong players makes better sense for the future of Linux. Perhaps
even an operating system called Red Hat might just be the best
commercial solution for Linux,” maintains the column.

“One has to question Caldera’s strategic maneuverings.
Some of the questions we might ask include how they can continue
their relationship with the large OEMs like Compaq? Are they
becoming another SCO? If so, how could following a troubled company
like the former SCO make sense in the market? How much damage have
they done by outwardly attacking the GPL? If they did move toward
BSD would that community welcome them? “


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