
Day 1 of the Jury Trial, SCO v. Novell – Updated 2Xs – We Have a Jury

“Happily, cpeterson was able to attend this morning’s

“Update: It looks like that will be all the news for today. They
are keeping the public in the hall mainly, to fit all the
prospective jurors in, so unless there is something unexpected,
tune in tomorrow.

“Also, I see questions about what’s hearsay within hearsay and
things like that, so here are all the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure — meaning the rules you follow for civil trials in
federal district courts, and you’ll find every other kind of
applicable rule linked on the Utah District Court’s Rules page.
There are local rules as well, and then judges have their
preferences, if you recall the judge’s marching orders the other
day. If you dig and learn something interesting, please share it in
your comments. Thanks.

“His report on the morning session, Part 1:

“Good morning!

“We just got out of the early morning session.

“Brent Hatch, Stuart Singer, Ted Normand were at the table for
SCO; Sterling Brennan, Eric Acker, and Michael Jacobs in for

“Judge Ed Cahn and Ms. Bonnie Fatell were present in the

“Judge Stewart started out by describing again the jury
selection process – the potential jurors will be brought in, and
the judge will ask questions from the list, with each potential
juror standing to answer.”


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