
Day 5 of the SCO v. Novell Trial & Some Help for Journalists Covering the Trial – Updated


“I was there with my red dress on, carrying two pads and five
(not just two) pens. Nobody seemed to notice the red dress lapel
pen from the American Heart Association, though.

“Before I do my full report, a couple of highlights:

“Groklaw was discussed (with jury out of the room) twice, with
respect to the Maureen O’Gara deposition. The first was to strike a
mention of Groklaw; the second, a mention of pj. In the end, Judge
Ted Stewart observed that if we can’t trust the jury to follow his
admonitions, we’d just as well quit. It’s not clear just how much
will be allowed in the end. I see you have an article up that may
be about this, but I won’t get to read it until I finish

“Our friendly neighborhood Salt Lake Tribune reporter was there
for the whole thing. He seemed friendly with the SCOGlings, but
didn’t seem to talk to Novell’s side. I went up to him and
mentioned that ‘it must be nice to cover a story in person, rather
than sitting around doing telephone work’. Then we got serious. I
mentioned that Groklaw had been following his stories, and was
dissatisfied with the one-sidedness. He said he had gotten some
emails about it. He complained of having trouble finding things on
Groklaw, agreeing that there’s a lot there. He couldn’t find the
search function; I couldn’t help, because I use the red-dress
essayage style, rather than the default that he would use. His
bottom line was that it’s still SCOG’s turn, so that’s all he has
to report on.”


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