
Divided we stand, united we fall

“This is a thought that has been troubling me for some time, but
the upcoming release of 10.04, the next long term support (LTS)
version of Kubuntu (and the Kubuntu Gnome Edition 😉 ) makes this
post pretty timely. The LTS release is in effect the
enterprise-class version, with a support window long enough to make
its testing, installation and management feasible in a large scale
desktop setup. An aside, but I differ as to where the need for long
term support is strongest; while servers are individually more
important, you can far more easily, cheaply, and effectively test
and upgrade your server fleet than you can your desktops and
laptops. Your desktop and laptop fleet (unless your organisation is
both well-managed and very, very rich) will be far more complex to
deal with, with many bits of hardware, and with individual needs
dictating many combinations of software to test against.

“But I’m not sure that 10.04 will be enterprise ready, at least
not for most organisations of any size and not for any intending to
purchase support from Canonical.”

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