“Sometimes I buy tickets on the Internet. About a month ago, I
bought tickets to the footy. There are several options, but I
choose to get the tickets emailed to me as a PDF. I have no idea
what research the ticketing agencies do, but they obviously do not
include me in the profile of their typical user.“I planned to go with a friend, Jeremy, who supports the
opposition team. Jeremy is in paid employment, whereas I am
currently “between engagements”. He intended to ride his bicycle to
the stadium; I would take the train. I agreed to meet Jeremy inside
the stadium.“But I’ve still got to get him his ticket.
“Sometimes the tickets come as separate PDF files, but this time
they were both in a single PDF. I struggled mindlessly for some
time and eventually sent Jeremy a 6.5 MB .ppm! Fortunately, it
gzipped very nicely and the email was less than 350 KB.“Twice”
Enemy Action
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