[ Thanks to Carla
Schroder for this link. ]
“Welcome to our final installment in building your own
Asterisk@Home test lab. Part 1 covered hardware requirements, and
installing Asterisk@Home. Part 2 took us as far as setting up a
local PBX and having local extensions calling each other. Today we
shall connect to the big bad outside world.“But first, I am going to keep my promise of showing you how to
replace the stock Asterisk@Home logo with a logo of your own. You
might want to do this just to put your company identity on your
Asterisk server, or you may need to reassure a nervous boss who
thinks that the name ‘Asterisk@Home’ means it is not suitable for
the enterprise. On the contrary, Asterisk@Home is an enterprise
powerhouse, so don’t let the name get in the way…”