
Excite/ZDNet: Microsoft to hike price of server apps

[ Thanks to mike for this link.

“While Microsoft has talked up its history of keeping OS
price hikes to a minimum, it’s making no apologies for forthcoming
price increases on its server applications. The company’s new
motto, at least for its 2000-generation back-office server
products: You get more, you pay more.”

“Microsoft is just beginning to inform customers of some of the
changes on tap for its back-office applications. Among the more
costly apps are Exchange Server 2000 and SQL Server 2000. Both are
slated to ship late this summer, as are a number of Microsoft’s
other server-side products.”

“Our prices are higher across the board,” acknowledged Stan
Sorensen, group product manager for server applications, while
speaking about changes to the price of Exchange. “But we’re adding
tons of new functionality.”


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