“1. OOXML is a document format developed by Microsoft and
submitted to ISO by ECMA for a fast track approval as an
international standard. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the
Indian National Body (NB) representing India as a participating
member of ISO. LITD 15 committee of the BIS is responsible for
examining this standard and for deciding India’s position at ISO.
The committee has 22 members. It deliberated over a prolonged
period, and participated in the defined ISO processes for the fast
track consideration of OOXML standard. Based on the committee
decisions, India registered a disapproval vote with comments at ISO
in August 2007. A Ballot Resolution Meeting (BRM) was held by ISO
at Geneva in February 2008. Indian delegation believed that our
technical concerns have not been addressed and registered a
negative vote at the BRM. The LITD 15 committee was briefed by the
delegation about the BRM proceedings. The final Indian position at
ISO was decided by the committee on 20th March 2008, which retained
Indian ‘disapproval’ vote…”