Ars Technica: First Look: Firefox 3 Beta 3 Polishes Rough
“Mozilla has announced the official release of the third Firefox
3 beta, which includes many user interface improvements and a
handful of new features. Firefox 3 is rapidly approaching
completion, and much of the work that remains to be done is
primarily in the category of fit and finish. There will likely only
be one more beta release after this one before Mozilla begins
issuing final release candidates.“The bookmark dialog, which was integrated into the URL bar in
beta 1, has been further tweaked to improve usability…”
Mozilla Links: A Deep Look to Firefox 3 Beta 3
“Without a doubt the most visible change introduced in this beta
are the theme updates in all platforms. On Windows XP and Vista, a
large part of the planned new XP icons has been added to the main
toolbar, the Options window, the Download Manager, here and
there.“Reception hasn’t been warm precisely as was to be expected:
just the same happened when Firefox dropped the Qute theme for
Winstripe around version 0.9, again with the updates just before
1.0 and yet again when Radiant Core updated Firefox 2.0 icons to
its current washed out aspect…”