
‘Free’ Culture Folks Discuss Models For Sustainable Creativity

“Last year, I was invited to attend the FCForum’s event on
creating sustainable models for creativity in the digital age in
Barcelona. Unfortunately, due to timing and conflicts, I was unable
to attend, though I heard from many who were able to make it and
enjoyed it. Out of that event, the FCForum has released their
version 1.0 document which is described as a “How to for
Sustainable Creativity.” I take a bit of an issue with the title,
which implicitly seems to suggest that creativity isn’t naturally
sustainable, and needs some sort of outside help. However, the
document itself is an interesting read. It digs into what the
current state of the market is in music, filmmaking, writing &
publishing, fashion and software, and then looks at various
economic models that can be used to support all of those. The
discussions on each industry could certainly be fleshed out a bit,
but there are some interesting visual representations, such as this
breakdown of money going to a certain major label band:”

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