
FreeOS.com: Setting up Squid as your caching HTTP/FTP proxy

[ Thanks to Mayank
for this link. ]

Squid is a proxy caching server for HTTP/FTP requests. It
caches data off the net on your local network.
So the next
time the same data is being accessed, whether it is html or a gif,
it gets served up from the local server rather than over the
Internet — saving you significant bandwidth.”

“Lets use the most commonly available proxy server for Linux and
the most stable one around, Squid. Installing and configuring it is
a breeze as you’ll soon find out. To make things simpler I would
suggest that you get the Squid RPM from any of the download on the
net for your distro.The latest Stable release of Squid is
squid-2.3.STABLE1-5.i386.rpm. If you are not able to find it on
your distro’s CD then i would suggest you try out www.rpmfind.net.
After having downloaded the RPM install it with the following

“Assuming you have downloaded the squid-2.3.STABLE1-5.i386.rpm
release the installation command is as follows….”


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