
GBdirect Release Free Linux Training Materials


TITLE:  GBdirect Release Free Linux Training Materials

RELEASE DATE: 14th June, 1999
EMBARGOED UNTIL: 0.01 am, 15th June, 1999

FROM:   GBdirect 
        27 Park Drive 
        Bradford, BD9 4DS 
        tel: 01274 772277

GBdirect, Europe's leading provider of Linux training, today announced
the release of free Linux training materials.  Lecture notes for the
first four modules of their ``Linux Systems'' training course are now
available on the web (initially at www.gbdirect.co.uk/linuxtraining,
later at www.linuxtraining.co.uk).  They cover:

1. An Overview of a Linux System
2. The Linux Filesystem
3. The Linux Command Line Interface
4. Basic Linux Tools

Each module consists of 20-25 pages of bullet-pointed lecture notes
followed by graduated exercises.  Experienced commercial instructors
should be able to deliver the lecture notes in about 1 hour, leaving
between 1 and 2 hours for practical work based on the exercises.  In
addition to good teaching skills, the users of these materials are
expected to have sound knowledge of the Linux and UNIX operating

In the interests of good citizenship, the modules are distributed in
low-bandwidth, open-source, formats.

GBdirect's primary motivation for releasing thse notes as open source
software is to ensure their widest possible dissemination.  A
secondary motivation is the company's desire to `give something back'
to the community which provides them with virtually all of their
office software.  

The company hope that others will contribute to the Linux Training
Materials Project, by authoring their own lecture notes or by
modifying those which GBdirect have contributed.  To encourage such
participation, GBdirect are releasing their materials under an open
source licence derived from the Linux Documentation Project.  This
allows end-users to copy and distribute the lecture notes as the
please, but protects the copyrights of their original authors.

For further details contact GBdirect at the above addresses, or ring
Dave Fisher on 01274 772277

David Fisher
Business Development
GBdirect - Linux Consultancy and Training
tel: +44 (0)1274 772277

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