Soren Staun-Pedersen posted to a GIMP mailing list: Hello, We are a group of people trying to launch at new project called GUG, which happens to be a small city near Aalborg, in Denmark, Scandinavia, but also, if we are successful the: G i m p U s e r G r o u p - - - We already found a place to be hosted. SunSITE denmark, provided us with several gigabytes of hard disk space (if we need them), all the mailinglists we would like, ftp accounts, coffee and basically anything else anybody would want to use when building a website - PHP3 and mysql (for FAQ's and tutorials etc.). The entire SunSITE is indexed by Infoseek. This provides easy search possibilities besides the possible PHP3 and Mysql functionality. The SunSITE has between 7 and 8 million hits every month, and a it is paied a lot of attention in Europe as well as the states. It is driven by volunteers from the University in Aalborg, and all machine hardware are donated by Sun, while the raid technologies (harddisks etc.) are donated by several other contributers. The ideas behind GUG is trying to establish a USER forum for Gimp. A place where users can exchange experiences, tutorials and scripts. A place not, as much, aimed at developers or hardcore Scheme specialists. We intend to create a system using PHP3, where tutorials can be comitted to pages very easily, and as such, create a website using intranet technologies. The URL of the project will be (is not yet!) (and later on perhaps So.. we got the space and the possibility, and now we just need some people to help realising all the ideas! Do you feel you have any ideas? Are you called TigerT or are you just as smooth with your GIMP? Are you a script-fu'er? HELP OUT! Photoshop should not be the only problem with a user forum! Join a small but fanatic crowd of people at, by sending a mail to join our mailinglist to: ------> <----------- (and then follow the guidelines you receive by mail) We need interested people willing to lend a hand! Cheers, Soeren Staun-Pedersen -
Gimp User Group project forming
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