“You know, when I first heard that Brent Hatch represented SCO
at the February 24, 2006 hearing in SCO v. IBM on whether or not
SCO would be permitted to depose Intel, Open Group and Oracle,
instead of Ted Normand, who usually speaks for SCO, I thought it
was because Ted Normand was too embarrassed to show up to explain
those famous defective subpoenas he sent out that were finally
served the night before the targets were supposed to show up,
documents in hand, at 9 the next morning, in one case saying to
show up in California and New York simultaneously and what not. The
mistakes, if that is what they were, were on such a scale a girl
could be forgiven for thinking that what SCO wanted was a delay,
not a deposition. SCO and discovery. They just can’t let go of