Lawyers Everywhere Say Huh? Rubbish. Weird. A Stretch
“SCO really said it. It’s not a parody or a hoax. They really
said the GPL is unconstitutional and unenforceable and void and/or
voidable.“Well, they also said IBM’s patents were invalid too, and what
are the odds of that being true? Slim? Or none? We’ll start with
Eben Moglen, the attorney for the Free Software Foundation:“”It’s just rubbish,’ said attorney and Columbia Law School
professor Eben Moglen. ‘There’s nothing about giving permission to
copy, modify or redistribute that violates the U.S. Constitution or
any other law of the United States…””
IP Atty Says SCO Wants Judge to Rule GPL = Public Domain
“Douglas Steele, Esq., has written an article about SCO’s claim
that as a matter of law, the GPL is unenforceable, void and/or
voidable…“He has a warning about SCO’s new legal tactic, and it is his
view that SCO is trying to get the judge to declare all works
released under the GPL for the last 3 years put into the public
domain. Note his remarks about downloading from the Caldera FTP
also. He isn’t saying SCO will succeed. He is saying this is what
he understands they are trying for…”