“Here it is at last, SCO’s Answer to Novell’s Counterclaims. I
haven’t read it yet myself, so we can do it together. We’ll try to
get a chart done, so you can read it side by side with Novell’s
Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaims, paragraph by paragraph.
But you’ll notice they deny utterly the allegations in Novell’s
paragraph 41, about filings with the SEC. And as for the famous
conversations where Novell claims SCO tried to get them to join in
the ‘scheme,’ SCO says this:“38. Admits that in 2002, as part of the review of its
intellectual property, SCO contacted Novell to confirm SCO’s
understanding that the UNIX and Unixware copyrights had been
transferred under the APA and to ask if Novell had documents
concerning the APA…”
Groklaw: SCO’s Answer to Novell’s Counterclaims
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