HELIOS announces products for Linux platform March 18, 1999- CeBIT '99, Hannover, Germany, Hall 9, Booth C25- HELIOS Software GmbH announces the availability of its EtherShare 2.5, EtherShare OPI 2.0, PDF Handshake and Print Preview products for the Linux operating system on computers based on Pentium processors. HELIOS PCShare 3 will also be available for Linux later this summer. The Linux operating system utilizes the full power of today's Pentium-based workstations and servers, and at the same time builds upon the well-known compatibility and reliability of the Unix environment. Linux, being a product of the Internet community of thousands of programmers worldwide, has gained wide support from industry-leading hardware and software vendors. HELIOS Software supports Linux with its file server, print server and PrePress applications on the HELIOS CD014, available in April. HELIOS CD014 includes a minimal Redhat Linux runtime to support the HELIOS software applications as well the Linux TCP/IP, NFS, FTP and Web services to serve Macintosh, Windows, UNIX and Internet clients. HELIOS will support the complete HELIOS Software solution including the Linux operating system. Linux operating system problems will either be resolved or a workaround will be recommended to HELIOS distributors and dealers selling the HELIOS solution. HELIOS Software offers all new Linux customers purchasing the HELIOS Software Solution in 1999 to receive a free Windows 2000 version of the HELIOS products when available. Customers can decide which operating system they prefer for their Pentium-based PCs running the HELIOS Software solution. Smart Ideas for Better Networking HELIOS products run on powerful and scalable servers from Apple Computer, Data General, Compaq (Digital), HP, IBM, Intel (Pentium), Motorola, SGI, and Sun, providing reliable cross-platform support for Macintosh, DOS/Windows and UNIX-based clients. Distributors sell HELIOS products worldwide to value-added resellers who provide complete networking solutions to customers. HELIOS software products are also available as part of OEM solutions by many major vendors in the prepress industry. For U.S.-based sales information, contact: European Mikrograf Corporation, HELIOS Software GmbH.'s U.S. distributor, located at 269 Mt. Hermon Road, Suite 100, Scotts Valley, CA 95066; 831-461-6061 (voice); 831-461-6056 (fax); Internet: info@ugraf.com, http://www.ugraf.com. . Editorial Contacts: - Helmut Tschemernjak, HELIOS Software GmbH, +49-5131-709328, marketing@helios.de - Bill Gram-Reefer, WORLDVIEW, 925-676-4733, reefer@worldviewpr.com HELIOS Software GmbH attn: marketing, Steinriede 3, D-30827 Garbsen, Germany fax +49 5131-70-93-25; Internet: marketing@helios.de; or by World-Wide-Web access at http://www.helios.com..
HELIOS products and support for Linux
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