
How do I run a remote Linux desktop in Windows?

“Recently I wrote an article “How Do I Connect to a Remote
Windows 7 Desktop from a Linux Machine” and was asked to show how
to do the same trick — the other way around. You might assume this
trick to be a challenge. You will be surprised how little of a
challenge it really is.

“But first off, you might be asking yourself “Why would I need
this?” The answer is to use a single point of administration. How
many times have you scurried around computers to try to resolve a
problem only to have to waste time going back and forth. With the
previous article, you were given the means to connect from Linux to
Windows. Now, with the ability to connect from Windows to Linux,
you have all you need to make administrating from a central
location much easier. And with that said, let’s get on with the


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