
How to Fix Wireless on Ubuntu

“Until a few weeks ago, I had the luxury of a wired network
connection to plug my computer into. It was great–no
passphrases to keep track of, no interference from the
neighbors’ networks and no crashing wireless drivers. Then I
moved, and now have to use my wireless card to get online. Although
I have a chipset manufactured by Atheros, one of the most
Linux-friendly vendors around, my connection is a mess, tending to
drop under heavy load and requiring several minutes to negotiate a
WPA handshake.

“To be fair, Ubuntu, and Linux more generally, have come a long
way on the wireless front in the last few years. More and more
wireless cards are now truly plug-and-play, and ndiswrapper is
becoming a thing of the past. But there’s a lot of room left
for improvement.”

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