“This tutorial is based on Falko Timme’s tutorial for MySQL
Cluster 5.0. It shows how to configure a MySQL 5.1 cluster with
five nodes: 1 x management, 2 x storage nodes and 2 x balancer
nodes. This cluster is load-balanced by an Ultra Monkey package
which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still
alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the
MySQL cluster).“In this document I use Debian Etch 4.0 for all nodes. Therefore
the setup might differ a bit for other distributions. The two data
nodes were x64 to use all of the 8GB RAM. Servers were compiled
from source so you should be able to make it running on any
platform. The MySQL version I use in this setup is 5.1.24-rc. It’s
a release candidate, but I wanted to use 5.1 to take advantage of
Memory-Disk Based tables…”