
InfoWorld: Crusoe problems blamed on software emulation technique

“A software emulation technique used inside Transmeta’s Crusoe
processor that hinders the performance of the low-power chip could
be the reason some top PC manufacturers are falling back from
commitments to ship Crusoe in future portable computer offerings,
analysts are saying….”

“The advantage to software emulation, according to Transmeta, is
a smarter processor that company officials agree operates more
efficiently on repeated commands that the chip has already

“But it is the initial translation that creates an extra step
for the Crusoe processor, and this step apparently robs Crusoe of
needed performance….”

McCarron added that for Crusoe to regain the performance
lost in translating code, Transmeta would have no choice but to
turn up the clock speed of the chip, negating any power savings the
chip might offer.

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