“The Linux operating system is a more practical solution
than proprietary operating systems, especially in developing
countries, its supporters claimed in a panel discussion about the
open source platform here at Comdex Monday.”
“In places like China and Vietnam, low wages mean that some
people can’t afford brand new machines or proprietary operating
systems such as Microsoft’s Windows. However, they can afford
older, used machines, Jon ‘Maddog’ Hall of non-profit organization
Linux International said at the “International impact of Linux”
panel discussion. Unfortunately, many of these systems aren’t
powerful enough to run Windows Me, or even Windows You,” he joked
— but they do have enough power to run Linux.”
“For large corporations, the price factor grows even more
important, according to Miguel de Icaza, the founder and president
of Linux application vendor Helix Code. “If you’re purchasing a
million computers, it can add up to $700 million in licensing fees”
with certain operating systems, he said. Numerous flavors of Linux
can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet.”