
Install Prism on Linux for easy to use web apps

“And since that seems to be the way the computing is evolving,
it only makes sense that even your every day tools migrate to
– as much as it pains me to say it – Cloud Computing.
Although I have been against cloud computing since back in the days
of thin clients, I am starting to see the value of these tools.

“Thanks to the Mozilla Labs there is Prism. Prism is unlike
other proprietary solutions like Silverlight. Prism is basically a
way to split web apps from the browser and run them directly on the
desktop. Although not always as small as, say, a Google Gadget,
Prism tools are far more functional and do not strip features from
the tools you use. For example, if you are using the Prism Google
Document tool, you will have a fully functioned instance of
whatever app you are using. In this tutorial you will learn how to
install Prism and some of the apps as well as configure shortcuts
for your menu.”

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