
Kindles Come to Classroom in Ghana

“The iPad may be gripping the moneyed world in a fever of
technolust, but the other e-reader, the Kindle, is still better at
many things. Take Ghana, West Africa, for example. If you are a
school in a small village with satellite internet and solar power,
what device would be best for you? The power-sucking, data-heavy
iPad, or the Kindle, a reader that can be read in sunlight, has
free internet access and lasts for weeks on a single charge?

“This is the idea behind the Worldreader project, which has just
put 20 Kindles into a school of 11 to 14-year-olds. I know what
you’re thinking: What’s wrong with paper books? Why do
they need this expensive, fancy gadgetry? Because paper books take
a long time to replace. These schools are on a 5-year book-renewal
cycle right now. A Kindle, although pricy to start, essentially
gives access to thousands of free, public domain books.”

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