
LDP Weekly News, April 10, 2002

LDP Weekly News

New Domain Name

The Linux Documentation Project has a new domain name. You can
now find the LDP on the web at www.tldp.org/.

This name change came about due to some difficulties with the
linuxdoc.org domain name. In order to have clear rights to the
domain name, the LDP had to relocate its primary services site. You
can still reach the LDP by pointing your browser to www.linuxdoc.org, but you will be
redirected to www.tldp.org/. This
move may come as a surprise for many LDP faithful, but the majority
of the staff believed that the change was necessary to assure that
the LDP would be available for the next wave of new Linux

Our mailing lists, cvs, and other bits and pieces are being
gradually updated to recognize the new domain, so for awhile people
will see both domains being used. I’ll post more information on the
status of the domain updates as it becomes available.

New Documents

Updated Documents

Unmaintained Documents

These documents have been abandoned by their maintainers and
many of them have not been updated in some time. If you’re willing
to become the maintainer for one of them, please join the LDP
discussion list at lists.linuxdoc.org/ and post a
message indicating your interest.

About the LDP

The Linux Documentation Project is developing free, high quality
documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. This includes the
creation of HOWTOs and Guides, and collaboration with other
documentation groups.

If you’ve always wanted to help Linux reach Total World
Domination(tm), but you’re not a programmer, there’s still
something you can do. Help the LDP!

The LDP keeps a page of resources for authors at http://www.linuxdoc.org/authors/.
Contributions are always welcome.

For more LDP Weekly News, go to http://www.linuxdoc.org/ldpwn/

David C. Merrill                         http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project                   david@lupercalia.net
Lead Developer                             http://www.linuxdoc.org

In one piece of email people were suggesting that Office had to work equally
well with all browsers and that we shouldn't force Office users to use our
browser. This is wrong and I wanted to correct this.

--Bill Gates, January 1997. --9jxsPFA5p3P2qPhR
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