
Linux.com: KMyMoney: Coming Along, But Still Not There

“KMyMoney is KDE’s personal financial management program. If you
don’t have complex needs and a lot of history to import, KMyMoney
lets you set up accounts, enter transactions, and generate reports
easily, and other features are doable with some help from the
generous amounts of documentation. However, KMyMoney is not a good
choice for small business owners, who need more functionality than
it can provide.

“Beyond basic checking and savings accounts, KMyMoney also lets
you set up investment accounts, and it will update and track your
investments using online data sources such as Yahoo! It can also
help you prepare for your taxes by offering the option of marking
expense and income categories for inclusion in tax reporting.
Setting up accounts representing loans, and tracking assets such as
your house or car are also fairly simple in KMyMoney…”


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