
Linux.com: Linux and Windows NT 4.0: Basic Administration – Part VI, http, ftp and telnet

Several basic servers are common throughout the Internet.
Here we will briefly cover three of the more common: http, ftp and
Generally, e-mail servers such as IMAP, SMTP, etc.
would be considered rather common as well, but they will be
addressed in a later part of this series with the overage of
Microsoft’s Back Office platform.”

“Going along with what seems to be Microsoft’s philosophy of
keeping the user away from the working of the OS, Windows NT
stresses remote control via graphical interfaces. Linux comes with
the ability of a remote command line, called telnet. There is also
a more secure cousin to telnet called secured shell (ssh)….”

“File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is one of the oldest functions
used on the Internet, and today remains an extremely popular method
for moving files.”

“In Windows NT, FTP is setup with IIS, which includes Windows
NT’s out of the box Web server. This could be installed when the OS
was put on, or can be added later.”


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