
Linux.com: New Drupal 5 Shines

[ Thanks to Dolores Parker for this link.

“It’s been five years since Drupal, the popular GPLed Web
development framework, has had a major version release. The new
Drupal 5, which debuted in earlier this month, was eight months in
development and incorporates more than 1,000 patches from nearly
half as many contributors. It also features overhauls and updates
in system performance, usability, user interface, and theming.

“The only requirements for Drupal 5 are a Web server, PHP (4.3.3
or greater), and either a MySQL or PostgreSQL database. PHP’s XML
extension has to be enabled if you want XML services such as
Jabber, and Apache’s mod_rewrite is also necessary if you want to
have ‘clean’ URLs–and you probably do…”


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