
Linux.com: Review: Xandros Desktop Linux 4.0

“The newly released Xandros Desktop Linux 4.0 is one of the few
remaining for-pay Linux distributions on the consumer market. The
Home Edition is available for $40, or $80 for a Premium Edition.
What do you get for your hard-earned cash? Let’s take a look.

“On the technical side, Xandros 4.0 is a Debian-derived distro
shipping with a 2.6.15 kernel and a KDE 3.4.2 desktop environment.
Xandros has put a lot of work into customizing the user experience,
slimming down and reorganizing menus and panels, adding some custom
applications, and integrating some third-party Windows
compatibility apps–all with an eye toward making its operating
system painless for refugees from Microsoft…”


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