“Linux.com: Why choose Debian as a base for the
“Jon Danzig: When we first started looking
around at the various distributions, Red Hat was at the top of the
list. As I walked through the distributions, I kept coming back to
Debian for a number of reasons.
“The first thing I liked about it was the enormity of the
distribution. There are a large number of packages, packages coming
from all over the place, without any kind of direction or
supervision. It’s kind of a spontaneous distribution, built by all
these diverse people without having anybody specifically sit there
and say “this is what we want.” So, the choices when we put a
distribution together are just enormous with Debian.”
“The other thing which I liked a lot is the informality of the
development, and the fact that’s more of a community than anything
else. These are people who are putting together something that they
love, and working together, shows a cooperation that you just don’t
find in commercial distributions.”