“Mark Bolzern is truly one of the original Linux pioneers.
Profiled in the Linux Journal’s Linux Kernel Who’s Who feature (in
the June issue), Mark was among those farsighted enough in 1994 to
believe that Linux would be the “next generation UNIX” and that it
also would be the next big challenge to Microsoft. So far, he’s
batting a thousand.”
“Yet unlike many of the original kernel hackers, Mark chose
to pursue “Linux advocacy” as his main contribution to the Linux
community. He established his own Linux distribution, Linux
Pro, helped convince Multisoft to port their xBASE database product
FlagShip to Linux (take a look here for a review of Multisoft’s
FlagShip that appeared in the June 1995 issue of Linux Journal),
and founded Workgroup Solutions, the company that evolved into
“With the recent merger of LinuxMall.com and TheLinuxStore, a
move which combines two of the largest Linux commerce sites on the
Internet, we thought it would be a great time to catch up with Mark
Bolzern and learn about some of the decision-making that went into
the merger, his plans for a bigger, better LinuxMall and his
thoughts about building the Linux community.”