
Linux Journal: Debian on Steroids II: The Libranet Workout

“Libranet 2.8 is now available by download or, for the broadband
challenged like me, on CDs ordered directly from Libra Computer
Systems, Ltd., in Vancouver, BC, Canada. As the Linux Journal site
previously posted a detailed review of Libranet 2.7, this article
concerns the changes and improvements in Libranet 2.8 that would
interest the desktop user and how they got there.

“Libranet is a commercial Debian distribution. If you hold the
belief that Debian Linux is genuine only if it doesn’t cost
anything, then read no further. Commercial Debian distributions do,
indeed, exist. Some, such as Storm, Progeny and Corel Linux, have
come and gone, whether for good reasons or bad, but Libranet and
Xandros (as well as the Xandros derivative Lindows) are still
around. How long they exist depends, of course, on whether Linux
users feel such distributions are worth paying for.

“I think Libranet is worth paying for. My first Debian
experience was with Corel Linux. My initial exuberance was quickly
smothered by the absence of support from Corel, followed by Corel’s
corporate decision to abandon Linux and its customers who paid for
their retail Linux products…”


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