“What happened to the guts in mainstream publications? I recall
back in the 80s InfoWorld pressured Lotus into ditching its copy
protection scheme by docking Lotus 1-2-3 several points in reviews
because of the inconvenience. I believe Lotus was the first to
buckle, but other vendors jumped on the bandwagon and abandoned
copy protection. Fast forward to today. Not only has copy
protection come back from the grave, it has risen like a juggernaut
zombie bent on eating everyone’s brains. Worse, many consumers and
writers alike seem to be unscrewing their scalps and willingly
offering up the meal. ‘I want the latest iThing, it’s so cool!’
Sure, you’ll find appropriate outrage in Linux Journal and a
handful of renegade publications like the Register. But what
happened to the mainstream journals with the guts of
yesteryear?“Of one thing I am fairly certain. Microsoft all but eliminated
mainstream software competition…”