A group in Germany is building a Linux cluster of 512 machines
at the Heinz Nixdorf Museum Forum in Paderborn (3rd floor).
They have a mailing list available for discussing and planning
this venture. To subscribe, send a mail to
“majordomo@klammeraffe.org”, in the body say “subscribe
Story (In German)
More info:
World record Linux cluster attempt
The German television network WDR, http://www.wdr.de/tv/Computer-Club/home_nacht.htm
plans to feature Linux in its “Computer Night” http://www.hnf.de/termine/veranstaltung/ccnacht.html
television program on Dec 5 and 6. Planned is a Linux cluster
consisting of 512 computers from participating Linux user groups in
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Holland. It is expected that
this will become the largest Linux cluster in the world. The
record, if achieved, is planned to be registered in the Guinness
Book of Records. The broadcast will originate from the Heinz
Nixdorf MuseumsForum, which makes its claim as the worlds largest
Computer Museum, in Paderborn, Germany http://www.hnf.de/
[German language links]