
Linux Mandrake Community Newsletter #3


                    L I N U X  -  M A N D R A K E

            C O M M U N I T Y      N E W S L E T T E R

                Issue #3    Wednesday, 13 June 2001


Welcome to the Linux-Mandrake Community Newsletter -- dedicated to keeping 
you up-to-date with the latest Mandrake-related news & info.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed to one of the 
Mandrake services. To be removed from this mailing list, please see the 
bottom of this page for removal instructions.


This Week's Summary: MandrakeBizCases.com is open, Mandrake 8.0 PPC Beta1 is 
available, CNET Review of Mandrake 8.0.

Late-breaking News: MandrakeBizCases.com is now open!

MandrakeBizcases.com is an open place to allow business users the 
opportunity to share their experiences of using Linux-Mandrake products in 
"real-world" scenarios. Read about the many creative ways that Linux is 
being used in the workplace to deliver powerful and flexible solutions at a 
much lower cost than M$ products.


If you already use MandrakeSoft products in your business, please share your 
story with others by submitting your own personal "Bizcase".

What's Cooking at MandrakeSoft?

The first official Linux-Mandrake PPC Beta has been released. To participate 
as a beta tester, please subscribe to the PPC mailing list by sending an 
email to sympa@linux-mandrake.com with the words "SUB cooker-ppc" in the 
body of the message.


1) What machines are supported?

Linux-Mandrake PPC is for "New World" Apple machines. It has been tested on 
the iMac, iBook, and Powerbooks. At least 96MB of RAM is recommended with 
2GB of free disk space.

2) Where can I download the PPC files?

For the Pre-made ISO:

For files please replace "Mandrake-iso" with
Mandrake-devel and go in to cooker.

3) How do I install the PPC version?

There are three recommended ways to install Linux-Mandrake PPC:
A) The easiest way is to download the two ISO images and use them to create CDs
B) Burn your own CDs after downloading all the individual files. 
Instructions are located in the "/doc" directory.
C) Create a bootable CD from the pre-made ISO (PPC-install.iso) located in 
the "/misc" directory, then perform a network installation.

Note: X support for all machines is not completely automated; the 
installation process will be refined as more feedback is received from Beta 
testers. Please subscribe to the cooker-ppc mailing list for the latest news 
and installation tips.

Mandrake in the News

CNET reviews Linux-Mandrake 8.0 and concludes: "New users, especially those 
looking for a quick and easy alternative to Windows or the Mac OS, will be 
hard pressed to find a smoother, easier transition to the world of Linux."

Also from CNET:
Linux-Mandrake 8.0 is awarded "Editor's Choice"

Linux-Mandrake 8.0 is one of CNET's "Top 5" Linux downloads; and the 
distribution receives a 95% user approval rating with hundreds of great user 
opinions and reviews. Thanks everyone!

Top Stories of the Week from MandrakeForum

CUPS News (4)
MandrakeSoft printing guru Till Kamppeter provides answers to some printing 
problems in L-M 8.0 including: multiple-page documents printed on one sheet; 
problems printing after rebooting the system; issues with certain Canon and 
Epson printers; Firewall and CUPS.

HOWTO--Up your space after the installation
Civileme answers a question about how to resize existing disk partitions 
after the installation is completed.

Mandrake 8, X-CD-Roast and... Eazel theme engine
Till explains how to get X-CD-Roast working in Linux Mandrake 8.0 which also 
solves problems with GIMP, gfloppy, Bluefish, and Screem.

What is the best laptop to install Mandrake on?
A reader asks for advice and receives many good suggestions

Linux Retail Representatives?
A reader asks an interesting question" "...why doesn't Linux have any Retail 
Representatives?" Everyone has seen Apple and Microsoft reps performing 
in-store demonstrations of their operating systems, but who performs a 
similar service for Linux?

Read these and other stories at: http://www.mandrakeforum.com/

Top Stories of the Week from MandrakeUser

Nvidia Now Offering Prebuilt Drivers For LM 8.0 Nvidia has prebuilt drivers 
for L-M 8.0 on their website. Be sure to read the users feedback before 
installing it onto your machine.

Using StarOffice To Create PDF Files Nev Cobb contributes an easy way to 
create PDF files by "printing" directly from StarOffice. He offers a script 
and detailed instructions that can be downloaded.

Read these and other stories at http://www.mandrakeuser.org/

Latest headlines from the Linux-Mandrake Demo & Tutorial Center

A new Spanish version is now online at 
http://www.linux-mandrake.com/es/demos/. You'll find chapters about 
Installing L-M 8.0; tutorials about KDE2, Kpackage, KPPP; and using Linux 
Multimedia & Internet Applications.

If you prefer one of those
languages, please select one of the following links:

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