
Linux Orbit: Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo for Linux Review

[ Thanks to John
for this link. ]

“Well, it’s been a little over a week now since the demo to one
of the most anticipated games of the year was released for Linux.
Besides being a demo, it seems this is being used as a testing bed
to iron out any kinks before the retail release. I’ve been playing
the UT2004 demo for a week now, and as being someone who wasn’t
thrilled with UT2003, I can say that Linux users should be thrilled
to have UT2004 coming to their favorite operating system. Read on
for the details of my review.

“First, we’ll start off with graphics news for those of you that
had trouble with performance in UT2003. It’s widely known that
UT2003’s OpenGL renderer wasn’t quite up to speed with the Direct3D
renderer, and as such the Linux version ran slowly for a lot of
people with less than state-of-the-art systems. Thankfully,
UT2004’s renderer seems much improved, with great performance on my
now old Geforce 3, even on the massive levels in modes like
Onslaught and Bombing Run. The graphics are gorgeous at 1024×768
res with the details maxed as much as they can be in the demo, and
still runs very smooth for the most part. If you held off trying
the demo because of how UT2003 ran on your machine, you should give
UT2004 a try…”

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