[ Thanks to John
Gowin for this link. ]
“It seems just like yesterday I was cleaning up my office and
realized I had a bunch of games I could no longer play because of
my complete Linux conversion. Although I don’t buy a lot of games,
the ones I had represented a decent cash investment, and I didn’t
want them to completely go to waste. This led me to Transgaming’s
WineX. When I first subscribed to Transgaming’s WineX 2.1 product
last year, I was pleasantly surprised that nearly half of the games
I had were supported to a degree. The games that did run ran pretty
flawlessly. The games that didn’t work had varying degrees of
success, all just short of actually being able to play the game
(the installers seemed to work). All of this we detailed in our
review of WineX 2.1 last August.“With the release of WineX 3.0 from Transgaming on April 17th
this year, it looked like it was time to revisit the wonderful
world of Wine. This time around, Transgaming WineX 3.0 has some new
tools as well as improvements in the number of games supported and
gaming speeds. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the
new features of WineX 3.0, with a focus on their new GUI installer
called Point2Play…”