
Linux.org’s old ISP tells their side

Dave Stoddard

There has been a lot of mis-information regarding the service
termination of the commercial Linux site, Linux.Org, owned by
Innovative Logic. The fact of the matter is that Linux.Org was
notified on September 5 via Federal Express (with a return
signature) that their contract with US Net would not be renewed.
This was reiterated several more times with them, including a phone
conversation with Michelle McLagan on September 29, a face-to-face
meeting between Michelle McLagan and three US Net personnel on
October 7, and email and phone conversations on October 23. In all,
Innovative Logic was given 53 days of notice to move their service
to another provider, dispite the fact that the contact between US
Net and Innovative only required 30 days notice. There is no reason
that Linux.Org should have gone off the air with the amount of
notice they had been given. US Net has offered CNET the ability to
independently review the contact and supporting documentation
surrounding this business relationship, but CNET has not exercised
that option. The attorney that is currently handling this case for
US Net is Ms. Vickie Fang, and may be contacted at

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