
Linux Software Picks: Six Alternatives to Photoshop

“Are the Linux programs drop-in replacements for Photoshop and
Illustrator? The answer could be either yes and no, depending on
the way you look at it and what your needs are. If you compare the
Linux alternatives to Photoshop/Illustrator feature-by-feature, the
free open source tools will come up short by a significant margin
and there is simply no way to get around that fact. If you actually
need those features on a day-to-day basis, then you should get your
wallet out and purchase Photoshop and/or Illustrator. However, if
you can get by with less, the free open source software tools may
be enough to get the job done and save you considerable money in
the process.

“Raster Tools

“These tools are meant to work with raster (pixel-based) images.
This type of image uses a matrix of dots of varying colors to
create an image. Rasterized images have hard limits as to how much
they can be manipulated in certain ways, but they support for more
detail than vector-based artwork. Image formats like PNG, JPG,
TIFF, PSD, etc. are raster-based.”

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