“Carey Bunks may not seem like somebody you would expect to be
writing manuals for an image editing application like the Gimp. He
is a Senior Scientist at BBN, working in areas like sonar, active
noise and vibration control, and network security. He has a PhD in
electrical engineering, and specializes in signal processing. He is
also a graduate of the Ringling Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Clown
College; his other book is entitled The Lasso – A Rational Guide to
Trick Roping.”
“Nonetheless, he not only wrote the well-respected Grokking
the GIMP, but he released the whole thing under an open publication
license. The book may be downloaded in its entirety from
GIMP-Savvy.com, though serious GIMP users are likely to want
to pick up their own copy of the nicely-produced volume, published
by New Riders.”