
Linux Weekly News for June 15, 2000

Leading items and editorials: A Linux distribution from SCO?,
IBM jumps in again and Where is the SourceForge privacy policy?

“A Linux distribution from SCO? The official announcement from
SCO got delayed, but word slipped out anyway: the company is going
to launch its own distribution of the Linux operating system. New
distribution announcements are common, and it may tempting to look
at this one as just another late entry into the field, but there is
more to it than that. An offering from SCO is likely to become one
of the top-tier commercial distributions almost

“IBM jumps in again. IBM announced a number of new Linux
initiatives this week. These include support for SuSE Linux on
RS/6000 systems, a new version of the WebSphere application server
for Linux, and a new set of partner initiatives to help promote
training and application development for Linux. All of these show
that IBM is increasingly interested in the Linux market….”

“Where is the SourceForge privacy policy? Way back in February
LWN worried a bit about SourceForge and the high degree of
concentration of free software development projects that it hosts.
Since then, SourceForge has only grown – it now claims over 5300
projects and almost 34,000 registered developers. It is a
tremendous success story in the free software world….”

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