
LinuxBeginner: A Week with Slackware 9.1

[ Thanks to robochan for this link.

“Welcome to the third installment of our ‘A week with’ series.
This time we will do things a little differently. I had recently
been wanting to update my laptop with a current Linux distro and
have decided on Slackware 9.1. So instead of installing on our
retrobox PC we will be configuring a Dell Inspiron laptop. As with
previous reviews we’ll reiterate to keep in mind that this series
will show my experiences only. Your mileage may vary…

“The machine currently has an install of Fedora core 1 along
side of xp that came with the machine. We will be using the current
partition configuration on the machine just changing the filesystem
type to reiserfs from the existing ext3 for additional

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