
LinuxDev.net: Developing Python-Based CGI-Scripts: Preparations

[ Thanks to BeOpen
for this link. ]

“Python is rapidly gaining popularity in the Open Source
community. Maybe the best proof of this is all the Python modules
that are in development. People simply want to use Python in a
wider range of programming areas. In a previous article from
BeOpen.com, we showed you how to use the Gnome-Python module for
developing Gnome applications. In this article series, you can
learn how to integrate the Python interpreter into the Apache web
server as a module, and then use Python’s CGI module for writing
Python-based CGI-scripts (note the distinction between Apache
modules and Python modules). Using this technique, your
Python-based CGI-scripts will execute much faster than if you used
the native Python interpreter.”

In our first article, we’ll detail the steps you need to
know to successfully integrate the Python interpreter into Apache.
If you just take your time, this is not hard to do at

“To build a Python module for Apache, there are three steps you
need to take: installing the Python libraries, recompiling Apache
with the PyApache module, and finally telling Apache about PyApache
in the httpd.conf file. In this section, we will go through these
three steps.”


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