“The Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) today congratulated EMBLIX
on its formation as the Japanese consortium for embedded Linux
vendors, academicians and users. EMBLIX’s 24 members at launch
and the ELC’s 91 members send a powerful message to the global
embedded computing community, demonstrating the unquestionable
momentum and the long-term viability of the Linux operating system
for embedded applications.”
“The ELC’s charter provides an international umbrella for
embedded Linux organizations like EMBLIX. The ELC’s recently-seated
Board of Directors is crafting enfranchisement methods toward the
goal of globally promoting the common cause of embedded Linux. ELC
membership includes 72 companies in the Americas, 8 in Europe and
11 in the Pacific Rim nations and rest of the world. EMBLIX counts
24 members, including Japanese firms and several Japanese
subsidiaries of ELC members.”
“The emergence of organizations like the Embedded Linux
Consortium, and now the new EMBLIX consortium in Japan, are a
testament to the growing momentum of Linux in the global embedded
markets,” said Inder Singh, acting chairperson of the ELC and CEO
of LynuxWorks (San Jose, Calif.) “These organizations will allow us
collectively to create greater awareness of Linux’s benefits, and
to work together to maintain the integrity of Linux as an open
standard and avoid the kind of splintering that happened with Unix
in the past.”