“The results of LinuxDevices.com’s annual Embedded Linux Market
Survey are now in, and they provide an interesting profile of the
ascendant embedded Linux software market. This year’s online survey
was conducted over a three month period–from November 2002 through
January 2003–and had nearly 600 participants, the bulk of whom
categorize themselves as embedded system software, hardware, or
system developers.“Below, we focus on several findings of the survey which we
found particularly interesting, and offer our own interpretation of
certain points of data. The full set of results is available here,
and we encourage you to review the complete data and draw your own
conclusions. Additionally, we have provided a discussion thread in
our Forum where you can post comments or questions about the
survey, regarding our interpretation, or on anything else related
to this topic.“It should be noted that the respondents to our survey are
self-selected, and that we have minimal control over multiple or
dishonest voting–although we do block multiple votes from the same
IP. Additionally, the operating system preference data on which our
survey is based represent instances of previous or anticipated use
of Linux in embedded projects, and are no measure whatsoever of
revenue market share. The latter, which is the more appropriate
measure of the relative commercial success of operating system
software and tools vendors, we leave in the capable hands of VDC,
EDC, IDC, and other three-letter market analysts…”
LinuxDevices.com: Snapshot of the Embedded Linux Market – May, 2003
Rick Lehrbaum
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