[ Thanks to LinuxDevices.com for this link.
“Greg Haerr, creator of the open source Microwindows
embedded Linux GUI and president of Century Software, and Chief
Strategist of GUI Technologies for Hard Hat Linux developer
MontaVista Software, reports that version 0.88 of Nano-X and
Microwindows have just been released and are currently available
for ftp download… “
“Microwindows is an Open Source project aimed at bringing the
features of modern graphical windowing environments to smaller
devices and platforms. Microwindows allows applications to be built
and tested on the Linux desktop, as well as cross-compiled for the
target device. Microwindows’ genesis was with the NanoGUI project,
and has now been combined into a single distribution. The
Win32/WinCE API implementation is known as Microwindows, and the
Xlib-like API implementation is known as Nano-X.”