“Corel chief Derek Burney was hoping to clinch the
anticipated spin-off of Corel’s Linux operation in time to trumpet
it this week at LinuxWorld in New York. Alas, the deal hasn’t come
off yet and Burney said Thursday morning that it could be another
month in the making.”
It has been widely reported that Corel will be spinning the
unprofitable unit out into a new company being set up by the New
York-based venture capitalist Linux Global Partners, which has
interests in swat of small Linux concerns.”
“Evidently the idea is to bring the pieces together under a
single umbrella. Corel’s desktop Linux distribution coupled with
the unreleased work it’s done to produce a server version of the
thing would presumably be the cloth holding the umbrella concern
together, creating another generic Linux commercializer in an
already littered marketplace. It seems the intentions are to be
full-service because Burney muttered something about embedded as