“The Desktop Linux Summit in Del Mar, California, is on its
third year and has grown to at least six-hundred attendees. Some of
those who come to the three-day show have been attending from the
very beginning, flying in and soaking up the non-stop talks and the
chance to talk to vendors and preview products. This is still a
Linspire-focused show in many ways, with various Linspire
initiatives–LTunes, LPhotos, and so on–spanning booths not in use
by other companies and projects, but according to Founder and CEO
Michael Robertson, all of the major players were invited. Some have
booths (such as Novell), and others have no booths but sent
speakers (such as Sun).“One thing’s for sure. Not only is the Linux desktop itself
growing, but so is interest in it. The European presence is again
particularly strong; in fact, it’s stronger than I see at most of
the shows I attend. There are more members of the general public
and Linux community than there are suits, and I’ve even seen
members of the military in uniform speaking with vendors. A number
of announcements have been made at this show, and some of the new
products previewed have some real promise…”