“In addition to negating the three arguments mentioned above,
here are some real advantages of using Linux in the classroom.”
“Advantage #1: Stability. How many teachers have to waste
valuable class time messing around with blue screens of death or
little bomb message boxes? Teachers do not have the time to deal
with this. Give them an always-up platform that they don’t have to
be techies to use.”
“Advantage #2: Flexible configuration. Linux boxes can be set up
to run as anything from full-blown developer’s boxes with every
library and toolkit to quiescent little boxes running cute little
bunny flash card programs for kindergarteners. Admins can lock
these setups down, too, thus preventing the common “I can’t find my
icons” error. Systems with less of a lock would give students
training in interface setup and workflow management, too. Oh, and
since Linux can run circles around Windows on older machines, did I
mention that Linux hardware is cheaper than Windows hardware?
That’ll put a gleam in any school board member’s eye.”
“Advantage #3: Security. This goes without saying for Linux
users and it is a real need in schools. How many script-kiddies out
there can blow away the so-called security on a Windows system?
Right, rhetorical question. Put a Linux system in there and you’ll
definitely shut down the casual hackers.”