“I admit it: I like making flowcharts. Perhaps it is that
soothing sense of order I get when the things around me are nicely
organized. Perhaps its that sense of power I get when I change the
solid line from a manager to a peon to a dashed line, thus setting
the events in motion for my plans for world–er, never mind.”
“In any case, it was with great anticipation that I downloaded
the second beta release of Kivio from theKompany.com’s FTP site.
Downloads come in the form of a generic source tarball, or packages
specifically designed for a number of Linux distributions. In fact,
not just any distros, but the latest versions, too. This was a nice
touch considering how some of these distributions are just days
“As an old veteran of Visio, I was very impressed by the speed
in which Kivio came up. Users of Visio know from experience how
long it takes for that application to lumber into awareness. Not
here. Kivio snapped into place with a full toolbar interface in
short order.”
“When I say full toolbar interface, by the way, I meant it. For
some reason, Kivio starts with all eight of its toolbars visible,
which takes up quite a bit of screen real estate. Turning off
unnecessary toolbars is a simple matter of de-selecting them in the
Settings menu, but they always come back when the application is